You can take “How to use WordPress dashboard for beginners in Japanese” sample test from “Level-specific proficiency sample test”. Course takers can take “Level-specific proficiency sample test” anytime you want. It’s free for course takers. It’s useful for remembering function and item name of dashboard. Quiz types are multiple choices or two choices. It will take less than 10 min. Please try after watching ” WordPress for beginners” series.
*Only Japanese. Everyone can take sample test.

初心者向けWordPress サンプルテスト
Filed under: Level-specific proficiency sample test, WordPress, レベル別習熟度テスト | Comments Off on Level-specific proficiency sample test
Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.
Filed under: WordPress, スモールビジネス向け講習, 定期公開講習 | Comments Off on (日本語) 4月の定期公開講習のお知らせ
Please click “IT Consulting Schedule”. You can make appointments for regular courses in Tokyo & Yokohama which perform on 15th & 16th.
*Japanese speaker might be better for taking this course.
Filed under: WordPress, スモールビジネス向け講習, 定期公開講習 | Comments Off on Now available for online schedule